
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

I am a prayin’ momma, not because I am spiritually strong, but because I am full of weakness. Prayer is my biggest parenting tool, without a doubt, because with each new stage and season, I find myself lacking knowledge...
In honor of distracted driving awareness, one mom is making a promise to her son to put the phone down, drive cautiously, and make safety a priority.
Confession :: Life has been pretty hectic lately, and I just haven't had time to get to the grocery store. #MomLife, am I right?  So the roll out of H-E-B Curbside literally could not have come at a better time.  Let's take...
So, I decided it was time to throw my toddler into the pool. In Houston, pools are everywhere; it seemed like a good idea to teach some pool safety and strategies. Also, all signs pointed go and that the timing was right...
Apparently we moms of 3 are the most stressed. I'm not going to argue for or against this study. Moms everywhere have their own struggles; we all go through hard times. Having three kids is the most challenging, most...
When my oldest child was born prematurely, I dreamed of producing enough breast milk to be able to donate *even a little* to other preemies whose mothers couldn't produce milk.  I pumped around the clock, but in the end was...
Every mother quickly picks up on some kind of diaper and wipe routine, but I want to talk about the items that fly under the radar. Thanks to friends and family with children, and stumble-upon magic, I added a...
It seems like every time I turn around I'm reading headlines or ads about getting your post-baby body back or posts from mamas bemoaning their postpartum physique. I understand it to a point, I DEFINITELY look different than I did...
Sometimes we choose to be single moms; sometimes the status is thrust upon us. We face the reality that, for however long the status remains, this is our life. We're the primary caretaker for the tiny kiddos. Our status...
I remember the first time my daughter tasted an orange. She was the most adventurous out of all my children when it came to trying new foods as a baby, and she was meticulous about absorbing the sensations each...



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