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Dance … it either strikes fear or joy in the hearts of parents of every little girl. I grew up in a hometown dance studio and followed it all the way through college. So, it was no mystery of...
I used to dread getting older. Not in some Peter Pan way, where I wanted to stay young forever. I just feared the unknown of being a real grown up and turning 30. Didn’t your 30s mean you started...
Tonight, my three-year-old daughter ate one tiny nibble of a green bean, a slice of cheese, and three grapes for dinner. Good enough. This was after her epic meltdown because Mommy couldn’t find her My Little Pony cup with the pink...
"Is he your first?" It is a simple question, a generic conversation starter at the playground. No big deal really. Except when it is. It is a question that hurts so deep in my soul I can’t truly find the...
Before becoming a mom, I worked as the shopping editor for a magazine. The job required me to regularly visit local boutiques - it was the worst job in the world, sigh. *Insert sarcasm.* Over the course of a...
Dear Overlooked Dad, First off let me just say, I am sorry that your holiday holds nothing in comparison to Mother's Day. I think we can all agree that the two aren't even in the same atmosphere, and well that...
While planning some activities for the family this year, my husband and I decided we should go to the beach for a long weekend. We thought it would be a fun getaway that our girls would just love. But amidst all...
Last weekend’s Orlando shooting hit close to home for one Houston mother. Although the tragedy happened several states away, Jean Irving knew first-hand the emotions accompanied by such a horrific event. Just two weeks ago, similar anxieties and fears spread...
Before I became a mom, I kept a minimal number of personal items in my desk. I probably had some extra makeup for touchups in my purse, but that's where it began and ended. Since I'm now a working...
The past couple weeks I've found my Facebook newsfeed chocked full of links and lists on how I can create a "Magical Summer" for the little cherubs that call me Mom. Every time I see the word magical in...



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