
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

Before I became a mom, I kept a minimal number of personal items in my desk. I probably had some extra makeup for touchups in my purse, but that's where it began and ended. Since I'm now a working...
The past couple weeks I've found my Facebook newsfeed chocked full of links and lists on how I can create a "Magical Summer" for the little cherubs that call me Mom. Every time I see the word magical in...
Nothing really prepares you for parenthood.  No amount of books, babysitting, or birthing classes will ever be quite enough to prepare you for those first milestones, that first illness, or that first look into your little ones eyes as you fall head...
So there I was, 7 months pregnant, widowed, sitting in a pediatrician’s office for my first pediatrician interview, trying to make another important decision alone, and crying hysterically in response to a simple question. How was I going to...
There was an article recently roaming the internet discussing how to talk to your daughter about her body. I loved the article and wished I had grown up under the influence of a generation that had read information like that on...
Roughly two months, 14 days, and 6-ish hours ago, I bought myself a minivan. There are so many buttons and beeps and warnings in this thing I'm sure if I give it the old -- up up, down down, left right,...
Six years ago, I was pregnant with my first and had recently found out I was expecting a boy. I literally spent weeks online picking out the perfect fabric for G’s custom crib bedding, and I returned to the...
I was reading a book a few weeks ago that discussed modeling self-donative love for your children.  It painted a picture of parenting and motherhood where the tasks we do as mothers {you know the ones I'm talking about...
In full disclosure, right off the bat, you need to know that I have never been a foster parent. Yet, anyway. {Wink, wink to the hubs if he is reading this!} But, before you write me off and wonder to yourself what...
In a past life not too long ago, I was a childless working professional. I was eager, ambitious, and driven. I got to work early, and I worked hard - without a care in the world other than where...



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