
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

One of my favorite mom bloggers {and probably yours, too} is Jen Hatmaker. She pours truth into my life while simultaneously punching me in the gut just about every single time I read her words. One of her known...
If you were to run into my family and I at, say, the local playground, you probably wouldn't notice anything different about us. You would probably catch our daughter running around, chasing after her big brother. You would see...
Having children has made me reflect on my own relationship with my mom, and to be quite honest - such introspection has really stirred up some "mommy issues" for me. In coping with my own issues, I often journal. In...
Moms, we've made it. The end of the season is here. You've faithfully provided a team snack on your assigned day. You've sported team colors and entertained siblings on many a Saturday morning. Whether it's soccer, t-ball, softball, baseball,...
“Motherhood is a lifelong promise to protect and fight for your child. For some mothers, the greatest fight isn’t their own; it’s helping their child battle cancer.” – Northwestern Mutual Mother's Day has come and gone, and after so much...
A funny thing happened sometime in the last few months as my third child morphed from a sleepy, snuggly newborn into a mobile, into everything, LOUD 8-month-old... I sincerely mean it when I say that we. are. DONE. I say...
I obsess over historical novels and films. {Just ask my husband, who has sat through many a PBS documentary with me.} Sometimes I think I was supposed to be a mom in the 1950s, frying bacon in the kitchen...
Here in Houston, Kindergarten registration for the next school year is in full force! With that comes a ton of social media posts with sweet little phrases that on the surface seem so endearing and even like a good motherly...
“Motherhood is a lifelong promise to protect and fight for your child. For some mothers, the greatest fight isn’t their own; it’s helping their child battle cancer.” – Northwestern Mutual With Mother's Day just two days away, my mind has...
Last week, I saw this Old Navy ad in my Facebook feed. My heart leaped with joy seeing a multiracial family. So I took a screen shot and sent it to my husband and some friends with about a dozen...



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