
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

The dream: get married, build a healthy family, have the white picket-fence house, and live happily ever after. That's how it works out, right? Not all of the time. I'm a single dad with a two-year-old daughter and have been...
I hustled the witch and the pteranodon down the steps and into the graveyard, careful not to trip over any of the ghosts that might be blocking our path. After adjusting reptile wings and a black fuzzy hat, I...
Father's Day is just days away, and this week a few Houston dads have graciously contributed their thoughts on parenting. Today, an anonymous guest blogger reflects on his struggle to juggle both career and fatherhood.  Note :: I am writing this...
Play dates are so much fun. There is nothing better than having some mommy friends over and letting the kids hang out while the adults talk. Although sometimes these little get-togethers can be repetitive {and that is okay}, here...
As a child of the 80s, I feel certain that February in my elementary school was more than Valentine's Day and hearts, but I cannot recall with any certainty the presence of Black History month as a curriculum focal...
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and January 11th is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Most of us have at least a baseline level of knowledge around what human trafficking is, but essentially there are two main types of human...
If you by chance caught my family and I on the  Today Show recently, you probably heard me framing up the problem we are all feeling after 2+ months of quarantine. From a 30-minute interview came a 20-second sound bite...
There are many things we can be doing as a family to help better our environment and community within our home and during day-to-day tasks. Recycling, turning off lights to help conserve energy, carpooling quickly come to mind... but...
Bless my pre-mom heart. Like most would be parents, I had all kinds of hopeful expectations about what kind of mom I would be. And then I had babies. Here are the top 5 lies I told myself before...
Happy National Gardening Month, my friends! Being the garden enthusiast I am, this is probably my favorite time in Houston throughout the year. The plants and flowers are waking up and bringing back color and life into the landscape....



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