
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

Let's face it.  Just thinking about the process of selling your home can be overwhelming.  While there IS an element of excitement when you look at the bigger picture, putting your home on the market requires A LOT out...
Welcome to Bump Diaries – a pregnancy series on Houston Moms Blog! Becky is expecting, and here she will share her journey – the good AND the ugly – with all of you.  It is sort of like an homage to the original...
Selling popcorn, candy, promotional items, magazine subscriptions, restaurant gift cards, and bulk value coupons – these are all items schools and other organizations traditionally use to fundraise money that is not part of the normal operating budget. But not the Pope Elementary...
"Wait, am I crazy?" "Is she right?" "Does she know something that I don't?" These thoughts have somehow been sneaking into my mind and then tugging at my heart after a conversation with another mom a few weeks ago.  I knew I wanted to explore them...
The Perspectives Series, y'all.  I'm excited.  I'm excited mainly, because if there is one thing I've learned in this mothering game, it's that there isn't just one way to master it.....there is a different "best" way for every single...
There's a quote on a Pinterest pin I always see.  Something about salt curing everything... The cure for anything is salt water :: sweat, tears, or the sea. - Isak Dinesen That really sounds good and makes sense.  Except I'm not...
A love letter to her daughter on the eve of her third birthday, from Houston Moms Blog contributor Heather.
In typical first-born type-A raised-by-a-tiger-mom fashion, if I wanted to do something, I HAD to be the BEST. This was especially true of my career. Over the years, I gave a LOT to be on that “high potential” list...
I was having a conversation with an older, 70s-aged gentleman who was sitting in our office waiting for a meeting. The conversation was casual. The topics didn’t go much deeper than the “how-about-that-weather?” jabber. Then someone mentioned to him...
Preparing your children for the death of a pet is one of the moments of parenting that no one looks forward to. But when the time comes, it is so very necessary. Our family rescued a sweet Yorkie named...



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