Pregnancy + Birth Stories

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The first day of Spring is next week.  Hallelujah!  We've had enough of Winter around here, though really I'm not complaining because finally those stinkin' mosquitoes are gone, those ice storms made for some perfect baby-snuggling weather, and it'll...
As parents we jump through all sorts of hoops and navigate all sorts of obstacles for our kids. But for many LGBT families, we encounter these hoops and obstacles even before becoming parents. At 32 weeks pregnant, the imminent arrival...
A funny thing happened sometime in the last few months as my third child morphed from a sleepy, snuggly newborn into a mobile, into everything, LOUD 8-month-old... I sincerely mean it when I say that we. are. DONE. I say...
I am by no means a moving expert, but I have moved every 3-4 years of my life since I was born. So, I've picked up a few tips here than there. But moving with a toddler while pregnant...
When my husband and I adopted, we knew we were entering an unfamiliar world. Even knowing that so much would be unknown, we wholeheartedly chose to enter this journey to become parents. And this world of adoption was full...
I am not made of sterner stuff. I cried when I fell down too many times on my first attempt at snowboarding. I over exaggerated a sprained ankle in middle school, requiring me to dramatically exit...only to return with crutches....
These days at 30+ weeks pregnant, there isn't much time for being a fashionista, much less feeling like one.  I do my best on preschool days to pull something together, and Mass on Sundays...well...I'm certain I've become recognizable as...
Becoming a parent is probably the best and scariest thing that can happen to a person. There is no manual or handbook on how to raise a little person. However, there are tons of people willing to share their...
Preparing for a new baby can be stressful.  Between all of the "Must Have" lists and unsolicited advice, it can be absolutely overwhelming to figure out how to best get ready for a new arrival.  Despite all of this,...
Oh pregnancy, a time when your body is constantly changing. Every day brings a new surprise. The miracle of life… many gross things that happen along the way. Anyone who has ever had sex during pregnancy knows it is...



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