Wow! We have had sooo much fun with our very first Cutest Texans Fan Photo Contest. {Yes, we plan on doing one each year!} And we are so incredibly humbled by and grateful for all of the support we received. We loved all of the precious pictures that you sent in, we loved all of the votes that came pouring in just as soon as the album was published, and most of all – we loved the sense of community that it created among us. Together, we admired each other’s sweet kiddos and rallied as one to show our love for our home team. Thank you so very much for your support and participation. YOU are what made this contest such a success!
We also want to give the biggest of thank yous to our title sponsor Baby Boot Camp. We raved about them in our post announcing the contest, and we want all of you to be sure and experience their amazing fitness program for yourselves. As I am sure you have all noticed, the weather has been absolutely beautiful outside lately, and it is the perfect time for you to head to the location closest to you with your little ones to get the best workout of your life. All while making new friends and having lots of fun too! Kristen Horler, CEO and founder of Baby Boot Camp, says, “We are thrilled to help improve the health and wellness of Houston area families. Baby Boot Camp is not just about losing weight. We are so excited to help moms seeking to support nutrition, fitness, and healthy lifestyle habits in their families and their communities.”
Along with our title sponsor, we also have to give our sincerest of thank yous to all of the local businesses who partnered together with us to create our awesome game day gift basket! A big thanks goes to… Tamara Clark Photography for a fabulous fall mini-session. Sassy Shoos, Four B’s Bling, KBB Designs, Pug and Poppy Creations, and Lindsey Matthews with Thirty-One Gifts for goodies for YOU! Hapinoy Fabric Flower and Too Cute Embroidered and Personalized Gifts for gifts for dad. And of course, Everson Peaces, No Girls Allowed, The Hair Bow Company, Sissy Girls Creations, Streetcar Sunday, Nola Fionnah, and Babycakes by Brooke for the adorable prizes for the kids. So be sure to check out each of their shops to get your own red and blue gear too!
And now, the part you have all been waiting for – the winner of the Cutest Texans Fan Photo Contest!
Congratulations goes to…
Gavin & Lakin
We hope these little fans enjoy their red and blue game day gift basket, and we hope that everyone who entered keeps cheering on those Texans! Now, let’s all get ready for the game. Bulls on Parade!!!
[hr] :: Baby Boot Camp Locations ::
Sugar Land, Missouri City, & Richmond
Facebook | 713.515.1450 | [email protected]
Facebook | 713.392.0899 | [email protected]
Facebook | 281.900.2858 | [email protected]
Facebook | 713.632.6895 | [email protected]
The Woodlands, Conroe, & Spring
Facebook | 713.480.3599 | [email protected]
Thanks so much to everyone who voted for our babies!! Chase && I couldn’t be prouder of our two babies!!!
Congrats to you! What cuties you have! I so enjoyed seeing everyone’s little Texan cuties. Great contest!