:: I’m a little bit granola. I cloth diaper. I breastfeed exclusively {and for an extended amount of time}. I baby wear. And I am pretty much the poster mom for attachment parenting. However, one thing I never do is push my parenting style on anyone else. I genuinely believe that each mom has to choose what is best for her and her baby, and I support all moms and their personal decisions. And that is why I love Nurtured Family so very much. Their mission is :: Supporting you as you nurture your family. And while they specialize in natural parenting, they appreciate and encourage ALL moms. How wonderful is that?
Nurtured Family is a family owned business with an adorable boutique in northwest Houston and an online store that is equally as amazing. Mark and Rebecca, the owners and operators, are so, so great and beyond knowledgeable about every product that they have available. {And with six kiddos of their own, they have personal experience with just about all of them too!} I could sit and chat with them for hours about the ins and outs of diapering newborns…and essential oils that keep both mom and baby healthy and happy…and all of those other super fun mommy topics. And sometimes I do. After all, their main goal is building relationships, and they genuinely want to get to know YOU!
The fist time I stepped foot in Nurtured Family, I was about a million months pregnant with my firstborn and searching for those last few things. I knew I needed to stock up on nursing bras, and I think I might have been looking for something fun like a Sophie teether too. But I ended up leaving with much, MUCH more than that! But could you really blame me? Everything is so well organized and so…pretty! Who would have thought that diapers could be this beautiful or that baby carriers came in such beautiful designs? Not me! Well, at least not before that particular day. And since then, I have continued to go back time and time again for not only their plentiful selection of all things mom and baby but also for their outstanding customer service and unending support in this crazy world of mothering too.
So, you might be wondering what all I ended up buying that day. And to be perfectly honest with you – I have no clue! Two kids and countless trips back to Nurtured Family later, I cannot remember exactly what my very first purchase there was. But I do know that I love pretty much everything I have ever bought, and if I had to name just a few of my faves – these would be it…
- HAVA Baby Slings :: I became a lover of baby wearing after having my first baby. I loved the intimacy it created and the sweet snuggles it provided. But after having baby number two, it just became a necessity. Their HAVA sling is not only gorgeously designed, but amazingly lightweight and super comfortable for both me and my babe too! Bingo!!
- Bum Genius 4.0 Cloth Diapers with Snap Closures :: Love, love, LOVE how durable they are and that they can be worn from birth to potty training too. Oh, and another awesome thing – the snaps are virtually impossible for babies to undo. All those horrible stories about babies taking off their diapers and making a…how should I put this…disgusting mess? Not with these! {Mark and Rebecca are raving fans of the adorable Blueberry diapers, and honestly – I probably would be too. But I started with Bum Genius almost three years ago, and I am a total creature of habit. What can I say.}
- Non Underwire Nursing Bras :: As a nursing mama, these things are probably the number one item in my wardrobe right now. And I have a different one for about every time of the day too. One to sleep in? Check. One to wear with t-shirt and jeans? Check. One for a dinner out with the hubs…but that is still easily accessible for me to immediately nurse my baby as soon as I run in the door? CHECK!!!
Want to learn more about this local family owned store and get a $10 off coupon to boot? Sign up for their newsletter. Want to stay up to date on giveaways and promotions? Like them on Facebook. Want to go to a really fun event with a bounce house, mini photo sessions, door prizes, and more? Check out their 10 Year Anniversary Celebration coming up on November 2nd…admission is FREE! And most importantly, want to stop by and do some shopping for yourself? Visit them soon!! You will be oh-so-happy that you did.
Nurtured Family
8525 Jackrabbit Road Suite B Houston, TX 77095
:: Store Hours ::
Monday – Saturday
10 am – 5 pm
[hr] Please Note :: While this may be a sponsored post, I have lots of personal experience with Nurtured Family and all thoughts and opinions are proudly my own.
I just signed up for the newsletter! Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to visit this place. Wish I wouild have known about them when I was pregnant!!
You will LOVE it, Chelsea!! And Jack will too!
Filing this away for when we decide to have baby #2!! How awesome is this store?!
It’s seriously amazing! They have anything and everything you could ever need…and lots of fun stuff you just want too!!
I bought my cloth diapers online from this store… And I called a few times too! They are awesome.
Oh, yay! I didn’t know you cloth diapered Teressa! What brand do you use??