Bethany Dufilho

Bethany Dufilho
Bethany, the daughter of an army chaplain and a special education teacher, grew up moving every 2-3 years. She considers herself an introvert who had to learn how to make friends quickly! She met her Houstonian husband, Paul, in college and they married in 2004. They first settled just north of Houston, where she earned her master's degree at Sam Houston State in School Psychology. After working in public education for a couple of years, she decided to stay home full time with their children, Charlie {2008}, Norah {2010}, and Will {2013}. The family moved to Katy in 2012, where they’ve been ever since. She loves decorating and even had her own small business for a while. She also loves to read, binge-watch old TV shows, talk politics and enneagram, and will not turn down a cup of strong coffee or a good conversation with a friend.
foster family embraces

National Foster Care Month: We Can All Make a Difference!

Did you know there are over 2,000 children and youth in foster care across the Houston area? One out of five foster care youth become homeless at age 18. Fifty percent of foster homes...
students gather around teacher with class gift

Organize the Class Gift: The Easy Way!

It's May! That time of year when life gets a little crazier. School projects, end of year parties, finals, concerts, recitals, awards ceremonies- it's all happening now. And oh yeah, don't forget to thank...

Time to Party, DIY Style!

It's time to get your party on and what better way to dress up your event than with some fun balloon decor? Whether you're celebrating a birthday, baby shower, or just want to add...

Give Your Child the Gift of Music

Want to get your kids involved in something that will stretch and grow them in new ways? Something that will positively impact their cognitive, social, and emotional development? Music education has been found to...
family gathered around piggy bank

Five Tips to Improve Your Child’s Financial Literacy

April is National Financial Literacy Month, a time to focus on the importance of financial education and how it can benefit individuals and families in the long run. As parents, it’s essential to teach...

Summer Camp Time: Basketball for All!

Summer is just around the corner! Have you made plans yet? If you're like me, a stay at home and work from home mom, the anticipation of summer causes a little anxiety. Don't get...
family lounges on couch

The Parenting Expertise We’ve Been Waiting For

We all know parenting is hard. These kids didn't come with a manual though sometimes I wish they did! I know I'm not alone in saying it often feels like I don't know what...
Houston Moms' contributor team eating at Rotolo's Craft & Crust

No Cooking, No Dishes- You’re Gonna Love This

Looking for a great location for your next Mom's Night Out? Or how about an easy family friendly dinner so you don't have to cook or do any dishes tonight? Rotolo's Craft & Crust...

Treat Yourself: Where to Get an Affordable and Relaxing Facial

You've heard the phrase "You can't pour from an empty cup" right? As moms, we know we've got to take care of ourselves in order to care for others in our lives. When our...

A Safe & Healthy New Year, Starting with your Pool!

With the New Year upon us, we're all thinking about our goals for the year. It seems that New Year's resolutions are mostly focused on improving the self. But as a mom, I also...