Bethany Dufilho

Bethany Dufilho
Bethany, the daughter of an army chaplain and a special education teacher, grew up moving every 2-3 years. She considers herself an introvert who had to learn how to make friends quickly! She met her Houstonian husband, Paul, in college and they married in 2004. They first settled just north of Houston, where she earned her master's degree at Sam Houston State in School Psychology. After working in public education for a couple of years, she decided to stay home full time with their children, Charlie {2008}, Norah {2010}, and Will {2013}. The family moved to Katy in 2012, where they’ve been ever since. She loves decorating and even had her own small business for a while. She also loves to read, binge-watch old TV shows, talk politics and enneagram, and will not turn down a cup of strong coffee or a good conversation with a friend.

Treat Yourself: Where to Get an Affordable and Relaxing Facial

You've heard the phrase "You can't pour from an empty cup" right? As moms, we know we've got to take care of ourselves in order to care for others in our lives. When our...

A Safe & Healthy New Year, Starting with your Pool!

With the New Year upon us, we're all thinking about our goals for the year. It seems that New Year's resolutions are mostly focused on improving the self. But as a mom, I also...

Connecting with our Kids through Meaningful Conversations

The last few years have been tumultuous for a variety of reasons. From racial and social injustice, political division, and a global pandemic, there's been a lot going on. I know I'm not the...

Celebrate the Season with Elf, The Musical!

The holidays are a time for family and togetherness. I love finding fun-filled holiday events and creating traditions I know we'll all want to celebrate for years to come. Looking to start your own...

A Magical Adventure for the Whole Family

Department of Wonder is an immersive mixed-reality fantasy that blurs the boundaries between physical and digital reality.

How to Get More Protein into your Everyday

Are you getting enough protein every day? The truth is, most of us aren't. And protein is not just for men in the gym trying to beef up their biceps- it's an essential macronutrient...
woman sleeps next to aroma therapy device from OSIM

Reducing Stress, Right From Home

We all know motherhood is stressful. There's so much to be done and often we're the ones not only doing and managing all the things but also thinking about and planning all the things...

Experience the Magic of Narnia, Live!

I still remember when my parents first read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe to me as a child. The story, full of excitement, talking animals, and set in a magical wintry world,...

Math Help, Right at Your Fingertips

We’ve all experienced it at one time or another in our lives: math homework. Some people absolutely love it, while others seriously detest and dread it. We see it with our own kids too:...

Preparing for Family Photos: Q & A With a Houston Photographer

Thinking about booking an annual family photo session? While I love having pictures of my family in every season, we all know that sometimes the process can be daunting. You've got to get everyone...