Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger
Interested in guest blogging with us? We would love to have you! Email us at [email protected].

ARD Meeting Survival Tips from a Special Education Parent and Educator

ARD. Three letters that are unnerving for even the most level headed of people. ARD stands for Admission, Review, and Dismissal. If you have a child eligible for special education services through your school district,...
A photograph of a woman looking out a window at a house on fire.

Toxic In-Laws :: Discovering Boundaries Through A Troubled Relationship

I'm frustrated, angry, and sad. Time after time, I continue to be disappointed by my in-laws, my husband's toxic family. A family that has demonstrated through the years that unless I think and act...
A photograph of a smiling woman and man embracing each other.

Down and Dirty Tips for Sex During Pregnancy

Oh pregnancy, a time when your body is constantly changing. Every day brings a new surprise. The miracle of life… many gross things that happen along the way. Anyone who has ever had sex...

I’ve Been Here Before:: Father’s Day Reflections on Fighting for a Better World

First, thanks for this Father’s Day forum.  I wish I could contribute the loving, lighthearted commentary I originally planned, but it’s the middle of 2020.  We need more than ever to be loving, but...

I’m Not Dangerous:: The Reality of Being a Black Dad in America

I am a black dad in America. I’ve read all your messages and texts these last few weeks and I’m finally ready to share my story. I have not shared yet because frankly it...

My Mixed Feelings Around Expecting A Boy

What's behind the mixed feelings a mother has when she finds out the sex of her baby? Sometimes, it's grief, fear, and uncertainty about her confidence in raising the child. Twenty weeks along in my...
Two babies sleeping next to each other.

In Defense of Baby Boys:: No, I’m Not Disappointed I Didn’t Get a Girl

“Oh… no girl?” She looked at me, with her head tilted to the side and her big brown eyes conveying a mix of pity and disappointment. “Nope, no girl.” I replied, slightly put off and perplexed...

How Coronavirus is Making Me a Better Stay at Home Mom

I never thought a global pandemic would be the vehicle that would bolster my confidence as a mom, but here we are. We are living in a world of bring your own Lysol and...

How to Prevent Child Abuse {And What to Do if It Happens}

April is Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month and Houston Moms Blog is dedicated to helping raise awareness about child abuse prevention. This is one mom's story. Recently, I joined a new group of parents. It...

The Astronaut Wife:: Choosing Hope Over Fear       

Imagine for a moment you are holding the hands of your children, standing in a wide open field. Now imagine that a 30-second countdown clock begins, and at the end of that countdown, that...