Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger
Interested in guest blogging with us? We would love to have you! Email us at [email protected].

What Motherhood Dreams Are Made Of

This is what motherhood dreams are made of The comment wasn’t mine, but it resonated with me. It was Halloween night, and a group of our friends headed out into our neighborhood with our sights...

How to Detour a Drama Starter in Your Life

All of us have one; that person in our life who thrives off of turmoil. A person who finds their peace in the midst of drama. And sometimes, the troubles in their own life...

All The Feels:: Managing Holiday Grief

You know that song that says, "It's the most wonderful time...of the year"? But...what if it's not? It's that time again when all things are merry and bright, sparkly and glittery, and the peppermint...

Kids and Racism:: One Mom’s Story

Moms, we can change the world for good simply by talking with and teaching our children about racism. We have to speak up. We have to have uncomfortable conversations. We can't assume that our...

My Children Have the World’s Okayest Grandparents

Growing up, I never got to experience what it was like to have grandparents. I remember watching the joy on a classmate's face when their grandparents came to school to have lunch with them...

“Momma, Can I Have Some Gouda?” How I Get My Kid to Try New...

My little boy has a more sophisticated palate at 3 than I did at 20. He asks for Gouda or Mango cheese {Manchego}, and his little hipster side loves bubble tea {don’t worry, we...
I am That Mom | Houston Moms Blog

Yes, I am That Mom, but It’s All About Perspective

The older I get, the more my perspective changes on motherhood, and really, on life in general. We all know That Mom. She is messy, late, loud, unsure of her kids schedules, not put
The First Step :: {Facing Mental Health Issues with Our Child} | Houston Moms Blog

The First Step :: {Facing Mental Health Issues with Our Child}

I should start by saying that yes, I contribute regularly to Houston Moms Blog. And no, I don't usually publish anonymously. My reasons for doing so on this particular post, focusing on mental health...
A child stands on a pier looking at a child and an adult walking on the pier together.

My Kids’ Grandparents are Racist

I don't remember the first time I consciously realized my parents are racist. In all reality there probably wasn't a specific moment, but rather a slow, creeping realization that settled in over my adolescence....

Overcoming the Odds:: One Dad’s Journey to Fatherhood

Diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis as a child, Vince S. spent much of his childhood in the hospital and recovering from surgery. He never dreamed he would get the chance to be a father,...