Confession :: Even though I LOVE to cook, some nights I just don't feel like it.  I don't want to run to the grocery store, I don't want to make a mess of my kitchen, and I certainly don't...
Look at that fresh faced new mom over there. She looks totally "normal", totally "happy" and not the least bit like she is laying awake at night terrified her baby is dead in his bed. What, too much? Well,...
This post is nothing new.  There are 1,001 of these articles out there written by other moms saying how worried, nervous, excited and scared they are to welcome a second {or third, or fourth...} baby into their perfectly functioning...
Let's cut to the chase here - I'm not pregnant.  Nor am I trying to get pregnant.  I know the title of this post may seem a little misleading, but I promise I am going somewhere with it. As you...
Tips and tricks for pumping breastmilk from Brittney, Houston Moms Blog contributor.
Leaving your child in the care of someone else is not easy. Besides being hard on your heart, it can also be tough to find a daycare that is right for your family and your budget. So whether you are...
“Life is an adventure, and there is no script. I see something in ordinary moments. I believe that perfection comes not when you are dressed perfectly and wearing lipstick – but in little moments and interactions that make up...
I yearned for the physical bond many mothers get with their babies at birth. Because I was never pregnant, I didn’t get 9 months to know and love my daughter before she arrived. I wanted to make up for...
When we first decided to adopt, I filled my Pinterest boards with all things adoption. From ways to announce our plans, to articles and books on attachment, to children’s books we could read to our adopted kids about the...
If I Had A Dollar... When I’m a parent, I’ll never let my child scream like that in the store. When I’m a parent, I’ll never have a 3 year old who isn’t potty trained.   When I’m a parent, I’ll never let...



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