As parents we jump through all sorts of hoops and navigate all sorts of obstacles for our kids. But for many LGBT families, we encounter these hoops and obstacles even before becoming parents. At 32 weeks pregnant, the imminent arrival...
Happy Valentine's Day from Houston Moms Blog!  We hope your day is filled with love notes, flowers, chocolate, {insert anything on your wish list here}, and extra snuggles with your little ones.  In honor of love day, we are...
Flying solo with young children is enough to make even the most seasoned traveler and copacetic parent break into a cold sweat. Thanks to family who live across the country and a flexible schedule as a stay at home...
Infertility is ROUGH, people.  This is not a post to make light of it, believe. you. me.  No way.  No how.  I stand with you as one who has suffered greatly in the midst of YEARS of infertility.  And...
“Did you remember your lunch money?” “Did you do your homework?” “Do you remember where your classroom is?” It’s that time of the year again :: back to school. We’ve all spent weeks preparing. The pencils have been sharpened, the first day...
Over 2 years ago, as I was pregnant with my first child, I made the decision for myself and my child that I wanted to breastfeed.  I heard all of the benefits for both mom and baby about nursing,...
We have to say - our 2nd Annual Cutest Texans Fan Photo Contest has been just as much fun as it was last year {or dare we say...maybe even more?!}.  It is so humbling and awe-inspiring to see the support...
My Story :: I had my first real eye exam at the age of six and a half. Up to that point, the fact that my right eye sometimes turned in was normal to my family. I found it difficult...
After exclusively pumping for nine months with my first child, I'm so thrilled that my newest baby is latching, my supply is adequate, and that I have the opportunity to breastfeed my daughter this time around.  I told myself...
{Click image above for more posts in this series!} So, how’s the Spring Cleaning coming along for you?  Completely done…almost there…still working on it?  Don’t worry – I am too.  But if you are anything like me, the more you...



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