Y’all, transitions are hard. Especially for our little people. Think about a time when you’ve gone through a huge change. Starting a new job. Having a kid. Getting married. Moving to a new city. It’s daunting each time. So...
I'm fairly certain that this post should begin with a fair warning. I do me. And when it comes to motherhood, I am so down for teenagers. There is a small window in the first 3-ish months of life...
Play dates are no longer just for kids. I jokingly call them “Mom Dates” since I enjoy the opportunity to socialize with my mom friends just as much as my children enjoy visiting with theirs. Play dates can be...
I know when you think of November, you normally conjure up images of fall sweaters, peppermint lattes, and turkeys on the Thanksgiving dinner table.  But November has a different meaning to many members of the Houston Moms Blog team - and...
As a mama, back to school means one thing to me....ROUTINE. I love routines and even more than that, I love being organized. The best way to keep my busy family organized is with a planner, and planners don't...
We were in Target to pick up a few items, and my 21 month-old daughter began S.C.R.E.A.M.I.N.G when I wouldn't give her a sip of my espresso even though she had a delicious Icee all to herself. I strategically...
Oh, summertime. We love you and we are glad you are here. But as moms, we also recognize that it can be challenging :: new "routines" {or lack thereof}, fun activities that can become hazards in just moments, alllll...
Baby’s first Holiday Season is so exciting and fun! Hopefully, this Gift Guide Babies and Toddlers must-haves is helpful for those of you navigating the new baby world! Deluxe Kick & Play Sea Dreams Soother iPlay, iLearn 10pcs Fisher-Price Baby Biceps Infantino Baby Activity...
When I first started teaching, I would always get parents who would ask me, “But do you have kids?” I really wanted to answer, “Yes—I have 27 of them!” But I didn’t. Just a simple no was always my...
The last Saturday in June, my oldest son Zach and I got dressed up and headed downtown to Jones Hall. We were headed to see Swan Lake put on by the Houston Ballet. If you are thinking my son...



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