{For more posts within this series, click the picture above or here.} I'm not entirely sure how it all started, but my son is officially OBSESSED with losing his teeth.  {I kid you not, he comes up to me at...
Exercise.  Let's face it, we use the "mom" excuses all the time. "I have kids." "I'm too busy." "I'm too tired." "I don't have the money for a gym membership." "I'll be able to exercise when my kids are older." "My kids need me." "I have...
Y'all. I'm not sure if you've realized but it is HOT here in Houston. And I don't know about you, but my kiddos have been out of school for a good month. Which means there has been a whole...
Nine days before going back to work following the birth of my first son, I pulled an all stop and completely changed our childcare plans for my infant son. Those of you who live in large metropolitan cities like...
My son is in Kindergarten, and we are both excited for him to learn to read this year! Although I've been reading to him since he was an infant, and he spent his preschool years learning letters and sounds,...
My little ones have both been major baby food snobs.  Any time I have gotten in a crunch and tried to feed one of them something from a jar, they totally and completely turn their nose up at it. ...
I took my little people to check out one of our sponsors, and y'all - it turned out to be a total gem of a  field.  Check it out :: A breathtaking half-acre farm sits in the middle of Montrose, my...



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