Updated April 2024
A few weeks ago, my middle school son had a benchmark test at school. As many moms know, these tests are the practice run for the state-mandated tests that infiltrate all our minds come spring. My husband...
Recently, I saw a lot of articles and posts lamenting that tweens (and even younger) are no longer asking for things like baby dolls or Barbies at Christmas or for birthday gifts; they are asking for fancy water cups or skincare...
Some months ago, I was experiencing a personal crisis that required some self care in the form of talking to a friend who knows me well and speaks the truth in love. After almost an hour of me expressing...
I pride myself on many things, but being organized isn't one of my strengths. When my firstborn started elementary school, five years ago, I quickly had to figure out a way to track all of the school papers coming...
Like most who lived through that day, I remember exactly where I was when I first realized the horror of what was happening on September 11, 2001. Though I was 5,000 miles away in rural Alaska, my heart was right...
It’s back to school time and parents with little ones are getting into preschool prep mode. Whether it’s your little one’s first time attending preschool or they are a veteran, the back to school scaries always find a way...
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Sharpened pencils, school bells ringing, and school buses clogging up our streets mean it is time for us to embark on a brand new academic year. As summer comes to an...
My child is now a pre-teen, and thus far his entire life has been documented on social media. We announced that I was pregnant, his gender, and his arrival on Facebook. I then posted monthly updates including his length,...
My friends tell me this is quite the unpopular opinion, but I'll be perfectly honest with you. I hate the end of summer. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally over Houston's hotter than Hades weather -- Lord save me...
My breastfeeding journey was unique. It started with pumping because my twins were born and spent time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Neither of my babies took to feeding from my breast and therefore, pumping was my...