Looking at a puzzle, there’s only one way it fits together. If there’s a missing piece, it’s incomplete, and if you switch all the pieces around, it doesn’t even make sense. Welcome to the world of ‘the box.’ Let me invite...
I know that I'm not the only person who wasn't fully prepared for the job of motherhood.  The morning sickness lasting all day?  That was kind of a shock to me.  Because it is clearly called ::morning:: sickness.  I...
{Click image above for more posts in this series!} So, how’s the Spring Cleaning coming along for you?  Completely done…almost there…still working on it?  Don’t worry – I am too.  But if you are anything like me, the more you...
Lately, my brand spanking new three year old {the age - not the kid himself} has been SUPER into my cell phone.  {Are they even called that anymore?  I don't know.  It's an iPhone.  Whatevs.}  And not just the...
{Click image above for more posts in this series!} This past August marked the beginning of our first child's "school" days, but if you know anything about me, you know the arts and crafts have been going on for quite...
Confession :: My twins are 3 1/2 years old, and it has only been in the last 6 months or so that we've made a concerted effort to eat together as a family. I know. Some of you are probably shaking...
So how’s it been going taking pics of your kiddos since checking out some of my favorite photo apps?  Getting any better?  Legs hurting from squatting down?  It’s okay.  Sometimes that’s just how it goes.  But if you want...
Nothing like starting my first "real" post on this little space of the interwebs with a topic like Homeschooling. Gracious. I hope this doesn't put your eyeballs on auto-roll to the back of your head.  A few sweet moms...
I can hardly believe it...but Easter is less than six weeks away!  And I have to tell you - I have been STUMPED on what to get my littles to fill their Easter baskets this year! Toys?  Nope - we...
I was privy to a conversation the other day regarding the hiring of Mothers. I didn't like what I was hearing, my abrasive, butting-in side took over, and I quickly gave them a sweet but firm, "HEY, HEY, HEY,...



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