Moms of children with special needs receive an abundance of advice and comments, much of the time from people who have little to no understanding of their child's situation. Most people mean well, but often their comments miss the...
Unless you have been living under a rock {or maybe just without internet access}, you have more than likely seen this social media status... This hashtag has taken social media by storm as million of, mostly women {we will come...
October 26th marks 13 years. 13 years since I delivered our stillborn son. To put it mildly, 2004 was not my best year.  On June 15, 2004, at 27 years of age, I was newly pregnant, and after a routine...
Read Part 1 of Emily's story HERE. The Monday after the storm, the water had receded in our home and my in-laws came over to help assess things and try to clean up a little. It was daunting how much needed...
For the last couple of years, I’ve been struggling with the fact that I’m too comfortable. I know that sounds weird. Who wouldn’t want to be comfortable? Isn’t that a top priority as a human? Yet, I’m too comfy...
We bought our house in Meyerland two and a half years ago...two months before the Memorial Day flood. We were moving back to Houston from Friendswood and had just put our home there on the market, so we weren't...
A lot of people questioned my reasons for staying at home during Hurricane Harvey when so many others in my area had sought out shelter. In the end I'm glad I stayed behind. It made us lucky. We have...
Over the last year, my ex-husband and I have not seen eye-to-eye on our approaches toward raising our son. An ugly child support and custody modification case arose from this, where the words, "according to the court order" were...
Ah, Back to School season. That wonderful time of year where Facebook is filled with pictures of perfectly posed, adorable children in their crisp new outfits and monogrammed backpacks, holding Pinterest-style chalkboards with their current school year stats. Moms...
The burn of chlorine filled my nostrils as I was slapped in the face with an oversized purple pool noodle.  I let out a giant roar of retaliation and my oldest squealed as I pursued him across the pool...



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