It was bound to happen. The day my kids got so angry with me and could actually verbalize how they felt. "Mommy, you are being SO mean!!!" {Usually followed up by "I want my Daddy!!!"} Not gonna lie. The first time they...
Confession :: Even though I LOVE to cook, some nights I just don't feel like it.  I don't want to run to the grocery store, I don't want to make a mess of my kitchen, and I certainly don't...
Each year, as the school year begins to wind down and summer preparations begin to take shape, I am usually excited and full of anticipation, particularly in years when we have major family milestones to celebrate. I have five...
As I type this my 2.5 year old twins are having meltdowns because Peppa Pig is on the TV rather than their beloved Bubble Guppies. Not only that, but how dare Nick Jr. play commercials to interrupt their viewing...
“Who are you voting for, Mom?” My son asked me this as we were driving through our neighborhood festooned with political yard signs. My oldest is a third grader and has been asking about politics for a while. Like many...
I am an accomplished physician, educator and researcher who, through a lot of hard work, has achieved just about every goal I have ever set for myself, but nothing, and I mean nothing, has humbled me like motherhood. The...
What does a mom really look like? Yoga pants and messy buns? Jeans, a t-shirt from her kid's school, and slip on shoes? Workout gear? Heels, skinnies, flowy top, and lipstick? You can't really pin her down with anything besides...
The Coronavirus has turned our lives upside down, but along with all the stress and uncertainty, it has also offered families a much needed reset. Dear Coronavirus,  Let's skip the pleasantries and get right down to business. You came into my...
I spent an insane amount of time this morning examining my hair roots with a magnifying makeup mirror, an activity my therapist would most likely take issue with. The process was not meant to lower my self esteem, but...
You've somehow found yourself to be a mom of 3 young children at the museum. It's a children's museum. They are young. They are going to have an absolute blast. But something between worry and terror blankets your face. Don't stress....



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