On Sunday August 28, 2005, I sat in a bar in Houston watching the news as Hurricane Katrina bore down on my home. The bar was silent, maybe 15 patrons just staring at the TV - all people that...
My household pays about $1,000 a year in homeowner's association fees. To some, that may seem an exorbitant amount. But to us, it seems fair for all of our neighborhood's pools, splash pads, playgrounds, events, and green spaces ......
I cannot have any more children. Correction :: I will not have any more children. Physically speaking, I probably could get pregnant again. And maybe, just maybe, I could carry that baby to term. But I’m done. I knew we were done...
Resolutions. Like most people I’ve always made them. Like many people I often set goals that are unrealistic or unsustainable. For me I have found that reflecting goes much further in recharging my soul for the New Year. I...
“Go on, choose a line and get in place,” I said, giving his hibiscus-clad bottom a gentle pat. His little feet ambled over to where the lines of children stood by the pool, waiting their turn to dive in...
Last June, I read the post "Why Family Reading Time Should be on Your Summer Bucket List" and was so inspired! I have been reading aloud with my kids for years but had fallen out of the habit thanks...
As a child of the 80s, I feel certain that February in my elementary school was more than Valentine's Day and hearts, but I cannot recall with any certainty the presence of Black History month as a curriculum focal...
I don't know about you, but when I hear the term "volunteer" I think of those selfless individuals who are handing out magazines on the floor of MD Anderson or those holding babies in the NICU. I tend to...
My eyes have been opened to a part of humanity that I cannot ignore. I don’t know if it is just growing out of the twenties stage of self obsession, or if becoming a mother has made me more...
  When I get home from work, I quickly greet my three-year-old twins and tell them mommy has to go upstairs to change out of her scrubs. Truth be told, yes, I really do need to change my yucky, stinky...



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