
Read about delicious recipes from Houston Moms Blog!

If I'm on my computer, my husband automatically assumes I'm browsing Pinterest {and the majority of time he's right}.  If I'm playing on my phone, he automatically assumes I'm Instagramming {and again, he's usually correct}. Instagramming :: not technically in...
"Date Your Spouse!" Reminders to "date my spouse" were among the most popular bits of advice my husband and I received before our wedding. Everyone reminded us to prioritize date nights and encouraged us to continue getting to know each...
There is so much that I absolutely LOVE about summer -- the long days, the late bedtimes, and especially the time at the pool! The relaxing days of summer lend itself to impromptu picnics and evening cookouts with friends...
{Click image above for more posts in this series!} It's 2am at my house. I've been battling/comforting a teething one year old for a few hours, and she is finally asleep. But of course - I am wide awake. I...
In my past life {also known as before founding Houston Moms Blog}, I taught elementary education for eight beautiful years.  I started off teaching special education to kinder through fifth graders...and then I moved down to just teaching the...
I am not much of a Black Friday shopper, but this past year, I made a single impulse purchase the day after Thanksgiving: an Instant Pot. Amazon was selling them for a steal, and the internet was all a'buzz about...
I tend to put my crockpot away for the summer {mine just broke, so it's perfect timing}, and I try my hardest to turn on the oven as little as possible as temps can get crazy hot here in...
An unspoken “rule” in my home is weekends are for eating out and weeknights are for eating in. Living by this rule has allowed us to spend valuable time together at the table every evening enjoying delicious, home-cooked meals....
We are coming upon the season of all things red, white, and blue! We will be grilling and chilling with family and friends. Maybe camping in the great outdoors or enjoying days in the water. This holiday is a...
So your kids are about to be out for the summer! Insert all the feels here. I'm part thrilled {no more lunch making duties, praise!} but also part apprehensive because I know soon that I will hear the constant...



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