
Read about delicious recipes from Houston Moms Blog!

Summer is officially here, and the kids are out of school. If your kids are anything like mine, they will want to snack constantly, while complaining that they are bored. Here are three fun snack ideas you can create...
Summer has finally made its exit and fall is here! One thing I love and will miss about summer are all the quick easy salads you can put together with all the beautiful seasonal fruits and vegetables. But what...
If I'm on my computer, my husband automatically assumes I'm browsing Pinterest {and the majority of time he's right}.  If I'm playing on my phone, he automatically assumes I'm Instagramming {and again, he's usually correct}. Instagramming :: not technically in...
Food blogs are an excellent resource for busy moms to find great recipes and inspiration to feed their families. Check out our list of many of the best!
If you are a mom, you have been there. Exhausted, but can’t sleep. So much to do, yet wasting time on the internet. Promising yourself that you will go to bed early tonight, but find yourself staring at summer...
January is upon us, ladies, and with it a couple of months of wet cold weather. I don’t know about you all, but in times like this I really enjoy staying indoors, cozy and warm, and enjoying a hot...
{For just two weeks, we are handing over our computers to the men in our lives and turning this little piece of the world wide web into Houston Dads Blog!  Read along with their joys and their struggles, and find out why we...
I've been a patriotic soul since the first time I heard Lee Greenwood singing his classic "Proud To Be An American."  I just may have belted it out and danced with pot lids with my bridesmaids at our wedding...
Ya'll, we're in the home stretch. The end is so near I can almost taste it. In what can only be described as a dumpster fire year, I have one goal as we wrap up 2020:: comfort. Whenever I...
It's almost that time of year where we get to enjoy our favorite recipes that bring us together with family and friends. I'm sure we all have that favorite Thanksgiving recipe we love or can't live without that gives...



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