
Read about motherhood from Houston Moms Blog!

Recently, I was talking to one of my SAHM friends, and she said something so profound that made me feel more grateful than ever to be a working mom. It went something like this... “You are so lucky to work...
The lines are forming. All across the city, parents are securing their spots before sunrise, clinging to thermoses of coffee as they anxiously wait for the doors to open. Black Friday has long since passed, and they aren’t wrapping...
I'm writing this blog post from my glider on my phone as I'm nursing my newborn with one arm while keeping the toddler at bay with the other. I had frantically cleaned the night before instead of going to...
Do you ever open your mouth, and your mother comes out? You know what I'm talking about. You swore that when you were a mom, you'd never do this or say that. And then all of a sudden on...
That's right; your eyes aren't deceiving you. I just had a baby, and I don't hate my postpartum body. I'm also not one of those women who popped out a baby and snapped back into my pre-pregnancy jeans like it...
We are at the two-year mark, when for many people sleeping has normalized, there is an end in sight to changing diapers, and we are missing newborn snuggles. I call this the baby-itch. Recently, my wife and I have been...
Let me set the scene for you. It’s about 9:30 on a Saturday night. I finally got my three-year-old to sleep after a day with no nap. I’m 35 weeks pregnant, and my husband is out of town on...
I'm leaning in, friends. For me, for my daughter, for my mother and father that told me I could be anything I wanted to be if I just worked hard enough, and, of course, for Sheryl. I have no desires to...
The secret to being supermom?  There is no secret. The definition of "supermom" is unique to each one of us on any given day. Some days it means you kept the kids safe and fed, and other days it...
Before having kids, at least half a dozen people gave me the lecture.  You know the one. The lecture that goes something like, "Are you sure you want to have kids?  They are SO expensive.  You'll have so much...



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