
Read about motherhood from Houston Moms Blog!

Let’s face it, y’all, The Woodlands is an awesome place to live. It has the perfect mix of small-town charm and urban flair, from the restaurants and shopping to the music and sporting events. To the residents who live...
Raise your hand if all of your children have up-to-date baby books? And now all of you overachievers can put your hands down. It’s 2016, and ain't nobody got time to jot down how much your child weighed every four...
This all started a couple weeks ago.  My not quite four year old was throwing a temper tantrum in the car.  She'd refused to get dressed that morning, so she was going to daycare in an outfit that wasn't...
I hated my younger sister. By the number of times I poked her eyes, asked for a trade-in, and failed her when we played pretend school, I’m pretty sure it was no secret: I didn’t care for her one...
Instagram, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways... You're always there for me when I need you especially during midnight feedings and bathroom breaks, and you are definitely an app I can't live without! You allow me to escape reality...
Although I don't do them nearly often enough, I absolutely love a great girlfriend getaway.  There's just something about packing up and getting out of town with a few of your BFFs that rejuvenates the soul and makes you...
So I've already mentioned that our family is 100% complete. Done. Finished. And now I'm raising some wonderfully crazy twin FIVE year olds. {Which, by the way, I have no idea how that happened. The complete nerve of them...
I have a large circle of women that surround me and lift me, cheer me, and keep me going. {And let's be honest, make ridiculous, lewd, and sarcastic jokes via text with me all day long!} I couldn't live...
What does a mom really look like? Yoga pants and messy buns? Jeans, a t-shirt from her kid's school, and slip on shoes? Workout gear? Heels, skinnies, flowy top, and lipstick? You can't really pin her down with anything besides...
I'm sure you've noticed the affordability of gas lately. I'm talking to the point where there's a zero in front of the decimal point after you cash-in fuel rewards. Good news for consumers; bad news for business. Some of...



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