
Read about motherhood from Houston Moms Blog!

I know what’s going on in your head, Preschool Mom. Everyone told you to just give it time, that it would get a little easier each day, and soon enough, drop off would be painless. But that doesn’t seem to...
Several months ago, I was perusing Pinterest and came across a saying that really hit home for me. “Stop the glorification of busy.” These five words captured so many feelings I recently have had about this frenetic pace at...
Modern day motherhood can be stressful. There's a new report out every morning that tells us what we should be doing and what we're doing wrong. The news and social media have become the boss we never knew we'd have...and...
Second time moms are deemed “been there, done that” moms, because, well, we have already been there and done that when it comes to this whole pregnancy thing. However, as I make my way through my second pregnancy, I’m...
I recently read a blog post from a blogger I love that was announcing she would be leaving her full-time job to stay at home.  In fact, it seems that recently I've had many friends / bloggers / acquaintances...
I’ve decided that, as a mom, I’m no longer going to say... “I’m never going to do THAT.” Because on several occasions, I’ve eaten my own words. For instance... I’m never going to feed my kid Goldfish crackers. Well, guess what they...
Your life is made up of tiny little everyday moments. The chores, the precious daily naps, the waffles that have to be made juuuust right every morning. As moms, we often go through our days on auto pilot, not...
A couple weeks ago I sent my oldest babies to Kindergarten.  Armed with alllll the gear, the cutest uniforms you ever did see, and countless pep talks from my mom posse, I pushed the lingering lump in my throat...
Grandparents Day is quickly approaching on September 13th.  No, this isn't a post with a bunch of crafts for you to whip up with the kids. {Although if that is your thing, go for it!} You see, I'm going...
The PRESCHOOL pressure is REAL.  Making sure your kids are on top of the game when it comes to education.  Getting them into the best schools from an early age.  The waiting lists.  Early mornings spent standing in a...



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