
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

“Life is an adventure, and there is no script. I see something in ordinary moments. I believe that perfection comes not when you are dressed perfectly and wearing lipstick – but in little moments and interactions that make up...
During the early years, kids will outgrow their clothes before you’ve even had a chance to move those clothes from the washer to the dryer. Let’s tackle this incredibly common challenge in a way that saves you money and...
It can happen before you know it. Even when the warning signs are there, the best of moms can miss them. Until. Until some phrase or whine that reeks of the "gimmes" makes the hairs on the back of...
Let me preface this by first saying, there was a time when I would have been the absolute WORST person to be writing something like this. Truly. Being a full-time working mother is one of the biggest challenges I could...
There is a lot written about “finding your tribe” when you become a mom. It is important to find other moms who “get you” and with whom you can share your fears, frustrations, and joys of raising up little...
“Mama, what color are your eyes?” It seems obvious. But I'll play along.  If I had to say a specific color, I’d say it’s a toss up between “puppy poop” brown and “the crunchiest part of the roach” light-brown. Unless I’m...
'Tis the season for fun in the sun with family and friends! However, for many, summer fun is rudely interrupted by pesky critters that love to live on human heads. It is estimated that approximately 12 million people get...
When my first child started Kindergarten last year, I was a hot mess. I would randomly cry throughout the day and wonder how he was doing. I kept telling myself over and over that he was fine and that...
Between the recent Houston flood and the Coronavirus pandemic, people are on edge. Scarcity, uncertainty, and our health are all at the top of the list of things that bring humans significant anxiety. If you are like me, you...
A Baby in our Bed When our little boy was born, I wasn't sure how I was going to handle sleeping arrangements in our house, and somehow I ended up sleeping in the living room on the couch while the...



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