
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

As I type this my 2.5 year old twins are having meltdowns because Peppa Pig is on the TV rather than their beloved Bubble Guppies. Not only that, but how dare Nick Jr. play commercials to interrupt their viewing...
Hi friends.    How are you doing?    No.  I mean how are you really doing?    It’s been two years since our lives changed in the most dramatic of ways. Pandemic life has brought some tough moments. I also know that despite these tough...
This week is a special one here at Houston Moms Blog. It is a week dedicated to YOU and an outlet to help you become the healthiest and happiest that you have ever been. For the next five days,...
February is the month we recognize and appreciate “love” and the power it holds in our lives. Children exchange valentines and candy in classrooms. Lovers plan romantic dinners and special tokens of admiration for each other and florists gain...
I love being a mommy.  From picking out little clothes, to snuggles, to even the not so fun stuff {hello, toddler tantrums!}, being a mommy is without a doubt my favorite "job."  As cliche as it sounds, being a...
Birthday Parties. Back in my day, a birthday party meant a cake. It meant one present from my mom and dad...and maybe a friend over to celebrate. Every few years my parents would let us splurge, but that just meant a...
There are things about being a single mom that I absolutely love.  But let's be honest...  There are times when it just plain old sucks too.  And while I know that every single mom's list might look a little bit...
As a mom, we don't have to look too far to find something to feel guilty about. Many of us spend much mom-time wishing we were more for our people. And the other times are spent wishing we were less...
I know what’s going on in your head, Preschool Mom. Everyone told you to just give it time, that it would get a little easier each day, and soon enough, drop off would be painless. But that doesn’t seem to...
I feel like this Houston winter has been particularly gloomy. Perhaps it's the glimmering hope of snow presented by meteorologists which cancels school, activities, grocery shopping, anything to get out of the house. It's the same hope of bundling...



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