
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

All About Me :: I am a Momma of Dos. I grew up most my life in South Texas.  I love to travel - and before we had children and it was safe, the Hubby and I traveled to different...
Mother's Day has always been a lovely day on my calendar; I celebrate my mom, and now I get to be celebrated as a mom myself. I celebrate friends who have begun their journeys in motherhood, too. But, as...
Houston Moms is always proud to offer differing perspectives on a range of issues from our diverse team. For another take on this news story about the Reddit babysitter and the police call, check out Tiffany's post.  In a recent...
Addy is swiftly approaching 3. I've let it be known that I am not crafty.  So I appreciate those that take advantage of my want to document but lack of craft paper.  When I was pregnant, I got three pregnancy...
Becky's Story I was 17 when I first heard a doctor tell me, "Your diagnosis won't kill you. At times you won't even notice it. You will more than likely have it the rest of your life." But the worst...
The first time I ever lived alone was in 2000, my first year of law school. My clothes were arranged by color in my closet, my towels were neatly hung on the towel racks in the bathroom with the...
The PRESCHOOL pressure is REAL.  Making sure your kids are on top of the game when it comes to education.  Getting them into the best schools from an early age.  The waiting lists.  Early mornings spent standing in a...
You never really know just how much you want something until you're told you can't have it.  At the age of 18, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and was told that the chances of conceiving were slim to none. ...
In typical first-born type-A raised-by-a-tiger-mom fashion, if I wanted to do something, I HAD to be the BEST. This was especially true of my career. Over the years, I gave a LOT to be on that “high potential” list...
I have a confession to make. I'm just going to go ahead and say it.  I love my kids. With every fiber in my being. Wait for it. That's not the actual confession. Read on. Like most moms, I would do...



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