
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

Houston Moms is always proud to offer differing perspectives on a range of issues from our diverse team. For another take on this news story about the Reddit babysitter and the police call, check out Ugochi's post.  A recent Reddit...
So excited to be announcing more WINNERS!  And super excited to let you know that we have one more giveaway for the month of September too.  A big one.  REAL BIG!  So be sure to visit us tomorrow to...
The beginning of 2014 marks exactly four months since our launch, and not a day goes by that we are not blown away by your encouragement and support.  Houston Moms Blog has gone from just a twinkle in my...
I​ have a bruise on the top of my forehead today where a child dropped a back-scratcher-doubling-as-a-baton on my face while I was lying down. There's a scar on my lower abdomen that basically looks like the pale, wrinkled...
Although I don't do them nearly often enough, I absolutely love a great girlfriend getaway.  There's just something about packing up and getting out of town with a few of your BFFs that rejuvenates the soul and makes you...
The movie Frozen.  Wow.  Where do I even begin?  With school out these past two weeks and rain in the forecast pretty much every, loving day - I think my family and I watched it about 8164151 times.  My...
  Today our topic is Conscious Discipline. Emily Feinstein, our podcast host and HMB Contributor, speaks with Randi Rubenstein, author of The Parent Gap, about appropriate ways to discipline that leaves parents and children happy. She has shared her methods...
From the moment I found out I was pregnant with my first son, there were a series of scenes that would play in my head from time to time when I envisioned what motherhood would be like. The oldest...
I've come to learn that there is a big difference in life lessons.  In my little world, I kinda group them into two categories :: The first category, we've all had 'em - you know, those HUGE, life lesson-type struggles.  You come out...
This year, our Houston Moms writers will be giving you first-hand accounts of life behind their Enneagram type. For an introduction to the Enneagram, see this post, and then read on as contributor Kirsten's husband William shares his experience...



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