
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

Christmas time is coming, and I’ve already started our gift list. It's a detailed color-coded spreadsheet with everyone we need to buy for added. Enneagram One life, am I right? But you know who isn’t on there? Our kids. We...
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and with that in mind, we have rounded up 10 different Thanksgiving activities and crafts to keep your kids busy during their holiday break!  I’m sure everyone has done the thing where you...
Amidst political debates, disagreements over whether Ross and Rachel were really on a break, and arguments over doing away with daylight savings {just kidding, everyone's in agreement on that one}, I think there's one controversial topic that really needs...
My son recently caught me off guard when he used a phrase I had personally considered "off limits" in our household. I was certain I had never spoken it in his presence, so I immediately reacted, drew attention to his...
It can't be "the most wonderful time of the year" without Cookies with Santa! And as usual, Houston Moms has you and your family covered! Join us for this fun and festive Houston holiday tradition at Kelsey Seybold’s Berthelsen Main Campus!...
You see, my husband Bill and I got to know each other over baseball games in college. We both played in our youth. Before we were parents, we played co-ed softball together, our team won our league championship. In...
The midterms are coming. People picking teams. A Nation ripping at the seams. Oh, do not worry; THIS is not THAT kind of article. I have no intention of engaging in party politics or attempting to sway you towards...
It’s time to vote, Texas!  Here’s some fast facts about the 2022 Midterm Elections for the State of Texas: Early Voting ends: November 4 General Election Day: November 8  What’s on the Ballot: Click this link for a Sample Ballot, and check your precinct for precinct-specific...
Halloween is such a fun night of the year for our kids. I love hearing their squeals of joy as they sprint from house to house, festive and collecting more sugar than any one child should ingest. That said,...
Thinking about booking an annual family photo session? While I love having pictures of my family in every season, we all know that sometimes the process can be daunting. You've got to get everyone dressed up and in the...



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