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Spring break is nearly here… again! How does it seem to creep up on us every year?! Well, maybe you’re not like me and you’ve had your plans in place for months but just in case, I’ve put together...
We all know parenting is hard. These kids didn't come with a manual though sometimes I wish they did! I know I'm not alone in saying it often feels like I don't know what I'm doing. Discipline, handling rules...
In my life BK {before kids} I led a relatively innocuous life. I worked, traveled, and spent time with friends. I dated, got engaged, then married. I continued to live free of commentary about the choices I made. This changed...
As a mother of three, I've faced all the chaos of living with kids. Stomach viruses. Toys stuffed down the toilet. Diaper blowouts at the zoo without backup clothing. But there is nothing - and I mean nothing -...
On any given day at any possible moment, I hear the urgent and loud, “MOOOOM!” At other times, my duo will come to me quieter with a question, request, or story to tell. It’s always preceded with this name...
The last few years have been tumultuous for a variety of reasons. From racial and social injustice, political division, and a global pandemic, there's been a lot going on. I know I'm not the only one who's struggled with...
When we talk about safety, there's a difference between being afraid and being aware. As a child, I vividly remember observing and assessing a room, standing back, and taking in my surroundings. That mentality has grown with me as...
I make no secret of being a huge football fan. But it's mostly collegiate that I love. However, as a die hard LSU fan, obviously I turned into a Bengals fan because ya know, Burrow. We don't always get...
Well, Houston Moms. We did it. We made it to the end of 2022!!! After a couple of turbulent years to say the least, it was nice for this one to feel more "normal". But with that brought some...
We have tried to teach kindness and love, service, and hospitality to our children, but ya'll, entitlement is real. Let's be honest, for some of us, it's very easy to spoil our kids and give in to their wants.  On...



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