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There are over 400,000 children and youth currently in foster care. Approximately 1,200 children enter the foster care system every day. The statistics can be absolutely staggering—heartbreaking. And don’t go watching Instant Family either. Called to Support Foster Families The truth is that...
When we talk about safety, there's a difference between being afraid and being aware. As a child, I vividly remember observing and assessing a room, standing back, and taking in my surroundings. That mentality has grown with me as...
The Big Game is the biggest sporting event of the year and will be broadcast in over 130 countries and watched by over 100 million viewers on Sunday, February 10th. This sporting event has gained enormous popularity over the...
A couple of months ago as I was running through my neighborhood, babies in tow in the good 'ol Double BOB, I noticed a bunch of 'junk' left out for trash day.   Among that trash pile, I spotted something...
As Skeeter's second birthday quickly approaches, I can't help but look back at the past two years - at the ups and the downs, the laughter and the tears, and every time I've held that sweet baby in my...
Being a mother is one of the most challenging {and rewarding}  privileges I've ever been entrusted with. The thing that is most difficult for me as a working mother is finding the time to be the parent that I feel...
I'm not even going to lie, I'll probably have some type of crazy back problems within a few years when you consider the weight of the contents of my bag. I have a really hard time going anywhere feeling unprepared,...
Oh, breast pumps...  If you've ever been a nursing mom, then you are probably all too familiar with that methodic "whomp, whomp...whomp, whomp" sound - and you have probably developed quite a relationship with your pump from all of the quality...
I don’t really open up to anyone about what I am going through. It’s hard for others to understand, and it’s pretty heavy stuff to unload on someone. Besides, if I were to tell someone that I think my...
I’ve decided that, as a mom, I’m no longer going to say... “I’m never going to do THAT.” Because on several occasions, I’ve eaten my own words. For instance... I’m never going to feed my kid Goldfish crackers. Well, guess what they...



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