
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

All About Me :: I am a Momma of Dos. I grew up most my life in South Texas.  I love to travel - and before we had children and it was safe, the Hubby and I traveled to different...
{For just two weeks, we are handing over our computers to the men in our lives and turning this little piece of the world wide web into Houston Dads Blog!  Read along with their joys and their struggles, and find out why we...
...well, we haven't, taken pictures with Santa, that is. Our oldest son has a set from his first Christmas where we moseyed on over to Town Center for the free pictures provided by a local college. And there was that one time at...
I am going to ask something terrible of you today.  I promise it is for a good reason.  I want you to make a warm cup of tea or coffee, curl up in your favorite chair, and imagine one...
"Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." This old adage could not be further from the truth. My mom told me this. I used to tell my children this. Then I stopped because it...
Did you know that Houston is one of the most diverse cities in the U.S.? I absolutely love the melting pot of cultures, languages, and restaurants that are all intertwined with a decidedly Texan twist. It has always been...
My sister told me that on her first day working at a summer camp she encountered a little boy who was enjoying his midday snack of a chocolate pudding cup. As all 5 year olds do, he ended up...
Giving Tuesday is a day to celebrate generosity and give back to organizations doing good in the community. This Giving Tuesday, get the whole family involved! Most everyone has heard the old adage that giving is better than receiving, but...
This Mother's Day, we are honored to share the perspective of Ryan G., husband of Houston Moms Blog contributor Christy.  For many of us, this Mother’s Day will be different. I know ours will be. I am aware now, more...
From learning toys to imaginative play to ways to get all the energy out, you are sure to find the perfect gift to make your little one smile. Magnatiles Dinosaur Stem Toys Interlocking Disc Set Sorting Cups VTech Write and Learn Learning Resources Classic Legos Duplo Superheros Duplo...



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