
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

I’m struggling with motherhood. I've been a stay-at-home mom for six years now, and I'm feeling restless. The days drag on much longer than my patience. I spend the hours preventing my newly-minted toddler from destroying the house or himself, and keeping my...
Does staying home with my kids instead of working full-time mean career suicide? Am I a bad mom for even caring? These are the questions, among others, I am debating these day, and most recently I've been questioning if...
When it comes to parenting my son with multiple disabilities and special needs, I like to think I do a good job of staying positive. I do what needs to be done to meet his medical needs, and I...
Family picture season is right around the corner, and if you're anything like me, you're already stressed about it -- I totally understand. So much effort goes in, and there is a high potential for failure when there are...
It’s Christmas Eve 2015, and I am running around my house like a crazy woman trying to get everything ready for our annual Christmas Eve party. I remember it like it was yesterday. We’d just put the boys down...
I'm on my third sweet nugget over here which makes me feel pretty well versed in all things baby. I've got all the newborn sleep tricks up my sleeve, the ability to read hunger cues from miles away, and can...
Did you know that Houston Independent School District is the largest school district in Texas, and the seventh largest in the country? Lucky for those of us living within the HISD attendance boundaries, this size also brings us a...
Tomorrow I will kiss my toddler goodbye, leave him with his sweet aunt, and get in a car with my other best friend to drive to the funeral home where my husbands’ memorial was held.  I will hold her hand...
We are suburbia people. Always have been. I grew up in the outskirts of Dallas, in a city I've "affectionately" dubbed the Land o' Concrete and McMansions. After Matt and I got married and moved to New Orleans, we tried our...



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