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I am going to ask something terrible of you today.  I promise it is for a good reason.  I want you to make a warm cup of tea or coffee, curl up in your favorite chair, and imagine one...
There have recently been some blog posts circulating that center on a common theme I see in the mom community, especially mommies with littles. It is the concept that because we are mommies, it is okay to suck at being a...
Once upon a time, I was a successful attorney. I wore fancy suits, most of them black, and expensive shoes with obnoxiously high heels. I had a secretary and a driver on speed-dial, and I spent much of my...
As little Llama tries to keep it all together on his first day of school, the storm clouds burst and suddenly, It's too much for little Llama . . . Llama Llama MISSES MAMA! Llama Llama Nighty-Night by Anna Dewdney was a...
Many moments in the last 15 months of my son’s life have left me speechless. The time he simultaneously peed into both mine AND his own face. When he had cat-like reflexes and pulled a diaper out from under...
When my husband and I found out we were pregnant, we were relieved to be making less trips to New Orleans, our hometown. We were excited that family and friends would be coming to visit us, er... our little...
I'm at the finish line. My last baby turns one in a few weeks, and I will breathe a sigh of relief and completion as the infant feeding chapter of my life comes to an end. Feeding babies has...
So you blissfully planned your sweet little one's second birthday. You are officially the mother of a toddler. Welcome to the chaos. Gone are the bottles and onesies, and you have packed up the Boppy, Bumbo, and Jumperoo. You...
It was a dark and stormy morning ... of course. A perfect start to my son's first day of kindergarten. At least the weather matched my mood. I dutifully loaded my sweet boy into the car in what seemed...
My 3 ½-year-old daughter is not potty trained. There are days, even stretches of days, where I think she’s got it, and I’m optimistic we can finally put this nightmare behind us. Because yes, it’s been a nightmare. But...



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