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“Life is an adventure, and there is no script. I see something in ordinary moments. I believe that perfection comes not when you are dressed perfectly and wearing lipstick – but in little moments and interactions that make up...
Well, mamas...  It is officially August, and you know what that means --- Back to School season is just. around. the. corner.  And whether you are yahoo-ing over the time when your kiddos will finally head back to school or boo-hooing that...
Last month, we were beyond honored to introduce you to one of the bravest young girls we know --- Peyton.  We shared a little bit of her story, gave you some insight into all that she is going through,...
For the last 5 years, my life has been consumed by this phenomenon called "Mommy Guilt." And I'm exhausted by it. And in the last few months, it has reared its ugly head more times than I can count. I...
Many moments in the last 15 months of my son’s life have left me speechless. The time he simultaneously peed into both mine AND his own face. When he had cat-like reflexes and pulled a diaper out from under...
NICU stays can be completely overwhelming and scary, but there are ways to make that phase of life easier. I gathered some of my favorite ideas from fellow NICU veterans to share. It's important that we NICU mamas stick together! Keep...
I yearned for the physical bond many mothers get with their babies at birth. Because I was never pregnant, I didn’t get 9 months to know and love my daughter before she arrived. I wanted to make up for...
Ah, self care. It's a hot topic in the mental health world, and has gotten more popular in the mainstream over the past few years. Just search it on Pinterest and you can find tons of suggestions on ways...
Hello, and welcome to The Cold Coffee Club, a podcast brought to you by Houston Moms! We're here to give you a little bit of that mom-to-mom connection, fun, and conversation amidst all the chaos! Join us as we...
By now most everyone has Marie Kondo’d some aspect of their house. You’ve likely spent time under a pile of clothing mumbling “Do you or do you not spark joy?!” If you’re in a Spring Cleaning mood, how about...



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