
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

Guiding our children through emotional pain is no joke. Why didn’t my own mother tell me that in fact, when your child experiences emotional pain, you might as well be linked together like some mystical emotional beast? Because the...
There are actual issues that need solving, and then there are the parenting "problems" that people are just making up. I was on one of my first road trips with my eight month old daughter. We were traveling from Houston...
...But the most important thing about mom is that she loves me. When our most recent foster kiddos came to us, they let it be known that books were a rarity in their house. Being in our home must have...
Six years into this motherhood journey I’d like to think I’m starting to figure a few things out. I’ve quit judging other moms for their decisions and am better at not letting the differing opinions of others affect me...
In some of my past posts, I have briefly touched on the fact that I was will always be a teacher.  And not just any old teacher...but a special education teacher.  I have taught all ages and all developmental...
When is my child ready to stay home alone? While there may not be legislature in place to determine when children may be left home alone, there are some steps that parents can take to determine when it is age appropriate. Most...
Raising a tween boy has its fair share of joy and challenges. It’s not a complete bed of roses for your son either as he navigates new feelings and his changing body. I was raised in an era where the...
Our home is 100% pro-Santa Claus, and our Santa game is strong! When the kids came home from school to tell us that a kid said that Santa isn't real and his parents are the ones that buy the...
What a year it has been for Houston!  From Super Bowl hosting to hurricanes, a World Series Championship and SNOW...  We've seen it all, haven't we?  From the highest of the highs to the lowest of the lows, 2017...
I speak Spanish, but my kids don't. And some people think less of me as a latina mom because of that. But I'm dealing with it in the best way I can. And I know there are other families...



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