To the people reading this post because they saw the word - infertility - and thought they were going to find the magic answer in my blog post, I'm sorry. I'm sorry because there is no magic answer, and...
Lauren's Story Becoming a mother was always part of my life plan.  But, life doesn't always go according to plan. After a year of trying with no success, I decided to see a fertility specialist.  The first doctor I saw completely...
:: What I Lived :: It was finally time! After almost three years of marriage, we were ready to expand our family. We took a fabulous trip to Greece and Italy, and we were ready to hit the ground running....
Our infertility journey started in 2009. We had been married for two and a half years, and we decided to try for a baby. Little did we know at the time that it was going to be WAY harder...
It has been over six years since we first started our In-vitro Fertilization {IVF} journey. We have been blessed with three children - one tenacious 4 year old and exuberant 16-month-old boy/girl twins. At least once everyday I look...
Years ago in my 20s, I must admit that I thought fertility was practically guaranteed. My husband and I married relatively young at 23, and our plan was to have a handful of years to play before we even...
When is the last time you and your husband went out on a date without the kids? As our family has grown, it has become harder and harder to have regular date nights. Life gets busy, and all of...
I love having a nice, relaxing dinner with my husband. No juggling sippy cups, passing out crayons, or hiding away the salt and pepper shakers. Just the two of us. But seriously, when did it start costing so much...
We have a nanny.  She's been with us since Preston was 3 months old when I returned to my 8-5 job in the medical field.  Those who know me know that I adore my nanny, and I'll do just...
I work full-time outside of the home in the healthcare industry with a typical Monday-Friday 9-5 schedule.  My husband works even longer hours {and farther away} in the hospitality industry.  During my pregnancy we weighed all of our options for childcare...



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