I remember exactly how many pages my mother got through before pausing to lick the very tip of her right index finger. An almost formidable act, followed immediately by a quick turn of the page and continuation of the...
With our Spring Break Camp Guide and our Summer Camp Guide. It’s time to take advantage of those early bird discounts by registering today!
This week we celebrate Read Across America, a nationwide event honoring children's literacy. And at the forefront of these festivities lies the brilliant and engaging legacy of Theodore Seuss Geisel, aka. Dr. Seuss. His stories and illustrations have entertained...
When I heard I had the opportunity to write about eating disorders I thought YES, hell yes! I know all about you; I see you. This one is personal for me. It is unspoken and silent; it stealthily sneaks into...
Volunteering at your child's school:: it's one of those things we all tend to develop a deep sense of guilt about. And we are constantly asking ourselves questions  like, am I helping enough? Could I help more? Or, I...
Parenting never gets any easier, does it?? Worrying starts from the very beginning. “Are they eating enough? Sleeping enough? Talking enough? Walking soon enough?” It feels like just the beginning of a lifetime of worrying. When I started thinking...
My sister told me that on her first day working at a summer camp she encountered a little boy who was enjoying his midday snack of a chocolate pudding cup. As all 5 year olds do, he ended up...
I have just come off a year as the President of my son's public elementary school PTO {Parent Teacher Organization} and was President-Elect the year prior to that. And I loved it. During those two years, I heard a...
  Today our topic is Conscious Discipline. Emily Feinstein, our podcast host and HMB Contributor, speaks with Randi Rubenstein, author of The Parent Gap, about appropriate ways to discipline that leaves parents and children happy. She has shared her methods...
Today our topic is the purity culture. HMB's Managing Editor, Elizabeth Baker, joins co-owner Meagan Clanahan discussing one of her most popular posts entitled :: "Why I Won’t Raise My Children in the Purity Culture That Raised Me." Elizabeth...



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