The school bell has rung and classes have been in session for quite some time now. We've seen homework and quizzes and tests - big and small. Now, it's the time that every student dreads :: Parent-Teacher Conference. My kids...
Wow!  Jenn had some AMAZING activities to really bring the holidays to life with the little ones in Part 1 of this fun series yesterday.  Not sure how I will ever be able to top that, but I'll make...
“Did you remember your lunch money?” “Did you do your homework?” “Do you remember where your classroom is?” It’s that time of the year again :: back to school. We’ve all spent weeks preparing. The pencils have been sharpened, the first day...
I suffer from OCD :: Obsessive Christmas Disorder. I was aware of this when I wanted to put my Christmas decorations up the first of November. Then I patiently waited until Thanksgiving week to put everything up and not...
We all live such busy lives where everyday is packed with non-stop activities --- even for children. Across Houston, children are constantly rushing to soccer practice, piano lessons, exam tutoring, swim lessons, birthday parties, school performances, family visits, basketball with friends, and...
"Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." This old adage could not be further from the truth. My mom told me this. I used to tell my children this. Then I stopped because it...
It can happen before you know it. Even when the warning signs are there, the best of moms can miss them. Until. Until some phrase or whine that reeks of the "gimmes" makes the hairs on the back of...
I found out I was pregnant in a bathroom at Starbucks. I didn’t know if I wanted to be a mom.  You’ll want to have kids one day, they say.  Calling the OB office the next day, the receptionist replied excitedly,...
Every year as we prepare for Easter, we run into the same dilemma as the Christmas stocking. What do we fill it with? Your toddler will be excited to get a basket, but we also know a basket full...
Parents of gifted children often have unique challenges in choosing an educational path for their kids, because gifted children have unique needs.



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