When my daughter turned three last March, I knew we would be in for a world of new adventures.  I didn't quite realize, however, that those adventures would involve so much medical intervention.  In the few months since her third...
We love to craft. We love holidays. We love spreading LOVE, and telling people how much we LOVE them! Valentine's Day gives us all these opportunities rolled into one, and we have already started taking advantage! I know a lot of people...
There are three of them, one me. Life is moving fast these days, and I often feel like the day is spent in the details. Who has eaten breakfast? Does the youngest have a dirty diaper? Please hurry and...
My kids don't eat vegetables on the regular. Fruit - yes, yes, and yes. Pouches from the baby food aisle - yes. But anything fresh and green? NO WAY.  Even Jack, at one, can dig something green out of...
A while back I got together with 4 other moms one evening for a busy bag swap. We all had toddlers close in age and a few of us were expecting baby #2. It was a lot of fun,...
Lately, it seems like subscription box services are popping up everywhere!  There are boxes for the fashionista, boxes for the foodie, and heck - there are even boxes for Fido, your four legged friend.  And while all of them...
Before having a child, I judged other parents. {Admit it, you did too.} From the woman in the supermarket with her crying, screaming children to the families at a restaurant letting their toddler watch an entire movie while drinking...
Out of all the rooms in my house, decorating my girls' nurseries has been the most fun. I am no expert designer, but all you really need is a Pinterest account and some motivation. Kids' rooms just seem to...
School’s out and temps are rising!  Pulling your hair out yet?  Have no fear… Our 2016 Hoppin’ Around H-Town Summer Play Date Series is here!  Phew. Oh, and we even have your summer uniform planned with some ADORABLE matching...
Oh, lord. The grocery. I have such a love/hate relationship with grocery shopping. On one hand, I actually kinda love the process. The meal planning {yes, I actually love to meal plan}, the organized list by department, and even...



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