Looking for our 2015 Houston Holiday Event Guide? >>> CLICK HERE. <<< It's here!  It's here!!  It's finally here!!!  Brace yourselves, mamas ---  our 2014 Houston Holiday Event Guide is officially ready for YOUR viewing pleasure, and we so hope that...
We all live such busy lives where everyday is packed with non-stop activities --- even for children. Across Houston, children are constantly rushing to soccer practice, piano lessons, exam tutoring, swim lessons, birthday parties, school performances, family visits, basketball with friends, and...
It's official... Back to School season is upon us!  Supplies are purchased, first day outfits are picked out, and backpacks are ready to go.  You've got Meet the Teacher night marked on your calendar, and your neighborhood is abuzz...
Six years ago, I gave my heart away. The tall, bright eyed drink of water with whom I fell in love was a package deal, with kids in tow, much like myself.  We brought together my two kids and his...
...Fast forward several communities and groups later and here I sit, the tentative leader of a high school girls group. Teenagers, you may gasp. Yep, teenagers. Some of which have been on this journey with me since sixth grade....
Hi, I’m Sara. I’m just a mom who is trying to balance life {life “balance” is a myth, by the way, but that’s a whole different blog post}. I’m trying to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, be a...
Those of you that know me, know that I am NOT a thrill seeker.  I prefer to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground, and I have very real fears of heights and falling and basically anything that...
We all want to know what is going on in our children's lives ... what their friends are really like, what they are thinking about, what they have questions about, what is at the forefront of their thoughts and...
Picture this :: You and your gaggle of kids are seated at your favorite restaurant on an unexpectedly busy afternoon. The waitress is so swift, you decide to trust the kids to order politely and on their own. That's...
I swear I did not set out to be an internet pot stirrer. Not THAT day anyway. It was a post that I knew not every one of my followers would 'like' or heart, but it was far from...



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