"Are you crying? Why are you crying??" were the first words I said to my sister when she called to discuss our mom's diagnosis of breast cancer. I had just gotten off the phone with my mom and was...
I don't know if it's just me, but lately I have been so tuned in to ways that moms, women, people, need to stop and take better care of themselves. It's the idea of securing your oxygen mask first...
I am pretty much an open book. There's not much I haven't shared from our infertility journey to my hysterectomy and my marriage trials. But one thing I haven't been able admit {to myself even} is that the day...
I married a rockstar. Hair, natural and long, the reason for some of his best tips. He had a rendition of Rocketman that would break your heart. Easy on the eyeballs, too.  He played at local bars. Never paid for his...
The group text suddenly grew quieter and quieter. Our usual never-ending thread went from solving the world's parenting and relationship problems to one word responses. I knew deep in my heart that something was not right, and indeed my...
When I say I'm Catholic, I don't use it as a fleeting adjective. I was born and raised a cradle-Catholic. I was baptized in the Archdiocese of Detroit, attended Mass every weekend, went to Catholic grade school and high...
  I still remember the first time we met.  He had gigantic blue eyes at the time and a shockwave of orange hair circling his head, stopping just above tiny elfin ears which flanked two wide-set circles of black and...
Last June, I read the post "Why Family Reading Time Should be on Your Summer Bucket List" and was so inspired! I have been reading aloud with my kids for years but had fallen out of the habit thanks...
I don’t have the answers. I know I misstepped along the way. I trusted a system where I work hard its simply rewarded. I thought people were as straightforward and transparent as I was. I was naïve to ignore...
I speak Spanish, but my kids don't. And some people think less of me as a latina mom because of that. But I'm dealing with it in the best way I can. And I know there are other families...



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