Self Care + Mental Health

Read HMB Contributor’s stories about their mental health awareness journey.

Dolly's voice normally signifies the beginning of my holiday season. The Chipmunks, though not as reliable, often have the same affect. I'm a sentimental fool. Christmas just exacerbates that. I'm the chick that ugly cries during Christmas songs. I don't care...
It’s never good when you wake up to a million messages asking if you are okay, including your grandma, who lives in another state! {Though let's be honest I am pretty sure she has an alert for all things...
It’s interesting what your brain does to protect itself in the throes of trauma. It often goes directly into survival mode. When I arrived on the scene of my house burning and I couldn’t find my husband, and the...
When I started doing some research about Postpartum depression (PPD) for Mental Health Awareness Month I found that there are no clear statistics about how many people suffer from this mood disorder. Why is that? My guess is, for...
Shortly before COVID hit, an email appeared in my inbox one day. “We’re planning a girls’ trip for a big 4-0 birthday… Who’s in?” I read the email twice and then marked it as unread so I could come back...
Is it just me or have the past few years felt like a whirlwind – a dizzy, disconcerting blur of time that I am no longer able to account for?! I mean…what did I even do last week? I...
  I have been a practicing Licensed Professional Counselor for 11 years. I have treated hundreds of men, women, teens, and couples. I have seen many people have great success in therapy, often with life changing results. And yet one...
I’ve had a meditation practice for the better part of a decade. That doesn’t mean that I’ve been consistent. I definitely haven’t. But my goal for this new year was to take back those minutes or moments first thing...
One day, I looked at myself in the mirror and I knew...something had to change. I hadn't been able to see myself for so long, but in that moment I was able to reach in and grab what was...
The past few months have been hard, really hard. Many of us moms find ourselves exhausted and overwhelmed by our new normal, and our mental health is suffering. But in order to care for our children the best we...



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