The dog days of summer are upon us, Houston. And guess what else is too? Hurricane season. And not the delicious {potent} kind found in our good ole neighboring state of Louisiana.  Ain't that right, New Orleans Moms Blog? I have a heightened...
I'm not going to lie - I struggled with planning my son's first birthday party.  I went from wanting to go all out and throw him an epic birthday bash to thinking how ridiculous it is to spend money...
We live in such a cool city. There are SO many things to do. I finally had to just say enough and stop adding to this list. Personally, I have a whole new wave of excitement for experiencing my...
Growing up, Mother's Day was always a special time at our church. The moms would wear flower pins and stand up to be recognized. We would go to lunch. {Maybe Dairy Queen, maybe the local cafe with hot, fluffy biscuits.}...
As a former teacher, I can honestly say that Teacher Appreciation Week was one of my favorite parts of the school year! If you have school-aged kids of your own, I have come up with a couple of super...
Quiz time :: what is the significance of Cinco de Mayo?  Many people think it is Mexican Independence Day, but it is not - that holiday is September 16!  Go poll some of your friends and co-workers if you...
A little over two weeks ago, we celebrated my girls' 4th birthday!!!  I know we all feel this way at each milestone, but WOWZA...4 just seems so old in our little world!  We've done supersized parties for years 1,...
Spring is here, and Easter is right around the corner. That means nice weather {hopefully}, egg hunts, picking out that perfect outfit, dying eggs, and of course, celebrating the true reason for Easter - a risen Savior. There are...
From preparing your home to preparing your hearts, there is certainly lots to do in the last few weeks before welcoming a new baby into your lives.  For me personally this was a more relaxed process the first time...
I love thrift store shopping. I go into a thrift store and just get a rush looking at all the items that need new homes or a little TLC.  My girls love it too. Here is what my shopping...



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