
Read about delicious recipes from Houston Moms Blog!

  Cinco de Mayo is just days away. There will be plenty of great Mexican food and margaritas available in Houston's amazing restaurants, but if you want the perfect tasty treat to make at home, we've got you covered.  Tequila.  That's...
Top of the morning to you! You may think that St. Patrick's Day is only relevant for adults. Typically, it evokes images of dying a river green or drinking your favorite green beer.  I'm here to tell you, however, that...
  2019 National Margarita Day was thoughtfully planned by the margarita-gods to be on a Friday. Prep yourself and wow your fellow mom-migas for Friday, February 22nd with margarita recipes taste-tested by local Houston moms! Welcome to Tequila It wasn’t until one...
New Year, New You This time of year, we are bombarded by every gym, every health food store, and every trainer letting us know that it's time for a New Year, New You. It's time to start exercising, eating right,...
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays ever, because FOOD ::  Thanksgiving can be so much fun. If you have never hosted Thanksgiving, it can be stressful. Soon you will be inundated with Tips to Hosting Thanksgiving, How to Survive...
I distinctly remember the first hot summer night I told my oldest that we were having ice cream for dinner. He was about three, and was so excited you would have thought I arranged a play date with Ryan from...
This is the year I turn the big 4-o.  Although I always say "age is just a number", the reality is that I'm hitting mid-life and I need to start taking better care of myself.  After watching a few...
I always allow my children to try any activities they want. Our rule is “one activity at a time” so that they can truly focus and get the most out of it. So when my daughter asked to try...
Summer is officially here, and the kids are out of school. If your kids are anything like mine, they will want to snack constantly, while complaining that they are bored. Here are three fun snack ideas you can create...
If you are a mom, you have been there. Exhausted, but can’t sleep. So much to do, yet wasting time on the internet. Promising yourself that you will go to bed early tonight, but find yourself staring at summer...



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