
Read about shopping from Houston Moms Blog!

By a show of hands, how many of you are feeling EXHAUSTED after this long, hot summer?  Maybe you've been logging 40+ hours at work while still trying to make summer memories with your littles, or maybe you're a...
It's the most wonderful time of the YEAR! It's Prime Day, the Nordstrom Sale, and the Target sale all wrapped into one exciting package! We have compiled a great list of deals from what our contributors are buying and that...
Moms of kids with disabilities will tell you, holiday shopping for their children can be challenging at best. It can also trigger feelings of frustration and deep grief. Often, disabled children cannot play with traditional toys or aren't interested...
First of all, let me provide a disclaimer - I do not consider my son the best dressed nor do I deem myself the know-it-all or have-it-all mom for kid's clothing.  I am just a mom, on a mom...
Oh, graduation season!  I am not sure about you, but I feel like my mailbox starts belting out the tune to "Pomp and Circumstance" each time I swing open the door.  Sweet family friends are graduating, my baby cousin...
Confession :: Even though I LOVE to cook, some nights I just don't feel like it.  I don't want to run to the grocery store, I don't want to make a mess of my kitchen, and I certainly don't...
Houston Mamas… We've got another treat for you! Once again, we are partnering with our amazing friends over at Scout & Molly’s to pick their brains on all things fashion. As you know, we absolutely adore their amazing stores {Katy &...
Mother's Day is coming up! While we all love the wonderful drawings from our kids and the obligatory new set of PJs {or the best socks eva!} from our partner, sometimes a well-deserved break is just what the doctor ordered. You...
Each summer, there is one major department store sale that captures the attention of bloggers, shoppers, and influencers:: The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. For the uninitiated, it can be overwhelming. For the pros, it can still be overwhelming. Fortunately, Houston Moms...
Today we are continuing with our 'Shop Small. Support Moms.' series, but this time we are including a GIVEAWAY!  After all, what big box store do you know that is just going around giving away fabulous and personalized goodies...



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