The new year is here. {Hooray 2015!!} We all know this is the most popular time to get yourself back on track when it comes to weight loss and eating healthy. And let's be real, we are only going...
When I was a little girl, I would often wander around my house looking for my dad. When I couldn’t find him, I knew he was in his closet meditating. I would either wait for him to be done,...
Today our topic is infertility. It's something that moms don't normally talk about, but is something that many of us go through! Meagan Clanahan, our co-owner, and Emily Feinstein are talking about their unique journeys to becoming moms. We...
I love to read.  Some of my earliest memories involve running into the tiny bookstore at our mall and begging my mom to buy me "just one more book."  The bookworm in me evolved from Berenstain Bears to Sweet...
Our country has spent the past few years engaged in conversations around the racial inequalities that plague our society. By now, most of us know what a huge problem this is, and we are looking for ways to fight...
My son recently turned 10, and promptly gave me some advice. Now that I had a child in the double digits, maybe it was time I read up on parenting older kids. And yes, this really happened because he’s...
If you have an elementary or older child, chances are you have probably heard of STEM :: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. What you might not know is how important a role this acronym plays in your child's education...
Do your kids light up when playing Roblox or Minecraft? Do they marvel at the idea of building robots or flying drones? Kids are becoming expert users of technology at younger and younger ages. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if...
With the new year came a new format for our book club meetings—what did you think? Jennifer and I had a lot of fun getting together at her house  to discuss Michelle Obama’s book Becoming. We are so grateful...
Last June, I took a social media break. It didn’t quite go as planned. I hadn’t realized how many ways I was logged into my Facebook account, and how easy it would be to almost robotically log in to...



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